Summer Lawn Care Tips for Akron

landscaped lawn in front of a house in Akron with a blue sky with clouds

Making your grass look great until summer here in Akron is quite simple. Simply follow some simple summer grass care tips, such as the ground that proves your grass and fertilizing at the right time.

Let’s start with your summer grass care tasks in the world capital of rubber:

Test your floor

Holding the ground for the ground testHolding the ground for the ground test
Photo credit: Pixel / Adobe stock free / License

Perform a soil test to know what type of grass has and soil conditions. Why this is important: there are different types of grass, and each type needs specific attention. The type of grass that has will help you answer these questions:

  • How much water?
  • How often short?
  • What additional nutrients does your grass need?

The best types of grass for Akron are cold seasonal pastures, such as Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial regrass, high festuca and fine festuca.

What is your soil type? The floor can be sandy, sandy, silt, clay or a mixture of the four. All have different pros and cons. A soil test can help you learn what type of soil you have and what you need to give your grass an excellent environment to grow.

See related:
-Gue to grow cold seasonal pastures
– Why, when and how to try the pH of your grass
– Guide to cultivate Kentucky Bluegrass
– Guide for the cultivation of perennes perennes
– Festuca high grass maintenance guide
– Guide to cultivate fine festivities

Fertilize your grass

Grass and herbicide fertilizer bags sitting on a grass with a fertilizer extensor in the backyardGrass and herbicide fertilizer bags sitting on a grass with a fertilizer extensor in the backyard
Photo credit: JJ Gouin / Adobe stock / License

When it comes to fertilizing your grass, your soil test will tell you what is missing, so you will know if you need to add additional or more potassium nitrogen. Then, you can find a fertilizer that meets the needs of both your grass and your land.

In Akron, it is better to fertilize JuneAround 8 to 10 weeks after the date on which it has been fertilized in spring, using a fertilizer with 50% in the form of slow release.

See related:
– How to fertilize your lawn
-How do you know that your grass fertilized you too much?
– Common fertilizer errors to avoid

Cut your grass at appropriate height

Your grass needs to be cut regularly. However, its type of grass will determine how often and short it must cut. Follow these tips:

  • Cort your Kentucky bluegrass, perennial Ryegrass and fine festuous grass to 2 to 2.5 inches.
  • Cumer La Festuca high at 2.5 to 3 inches.
  • Make sure your grass cutter has an sharp blade, so that you do not damage the grass cutting off without gently taking away the upper part.
  • Follow the rule of one third: cut only one third of the height of the grass.

See related:
– Césped cutting tips: How to cut a lawn in the right way
– How to sharpen the cups of the spectacle

Water your grass

Spraying water on the grass with water hoseSpraying water on the grass with water hose
Photo credit: RH2010 / Adobe stock free / License

In the summer, you will need to water regularly. Most Céspedes need 1 inch of water every weekAnd if it does not rain enough, you must water the lawn yourself. You can establish an irrigation schedule with your irrigation controller or manual water, but make sure of excessive or wasted water with the runoff or excessive exuition.

Alternatively, you can let your cold seasonal grass be inactive and only the roots and crowns will be irrigated. In that case, water slightly with 1/2 inch of water every three or four weeks. Early water in the morning so that its grass can absorb all the water before the sun dries.

Advice: Your trees will also need FTA during the summer. Fortunately, you can visit our tree care page for Akron to contact professionals who can do this for you.

See related:
– How long to water your grass in summer
– Latent grass against dead grass
– It means that your grass needs irrigation


Even if he applied pre -emerging herbicides in spring, some annoying weeds can still reach their grass during the summer. Cabgrass is a common culprit that can quickly take care if it is not controlled.

For these persistent summer weeds, consider apply post-emerging herbicides to attack them. You can also check them by hand, but be sure to eliminate the entire root to avoid the return.

If you are fighting weeds or other care tasks of the summer grass, hiring a lawn care professional in Akron.

Read more:
– The best time to apply the crab preventor in Ohio
– When to apply the grass and feed in Ohio
– Ohio’s most common weeds
– Ohio’s best native plants
– The best grass seed for Ohio
– How to prepare your grass for winter in Ohio
– Common grass pests in Ohio

Main image credit: photo of a lawn cut by a pro lawstarter in Akron, Ohio


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